“My style creates elegant compositions with a fusion of contemporary elements, incorporating traditional body art.”

– Henna Chohan

watch Henna’s story

Henna Chohan, the company’s Managing Director, began her professional journey in the USA. After moving to the UK in 2010, she continued to develop her skills and pursue her passion for this art form and developing her career as a bridal henna artist. Her love for the art of henna has driven her to take her art to other forms of body art. She is a product of what hard work and dedication can achieve.

It is almost impossible to spot a single flaw in her work, with a talent for exceptional detail, having clean and crisp linework which is the defining factor of her work. Her determination to consistently improve herself has moulded her into an artist well sought after internationally.

She has applied this expert knowledge to the development and marketing of her own range of henna products, SIMPLY ink’d, adapted to the requirements of both the professional and amateur artists in the UK and abroad.

Over the past decade, the company has grown to become one of the leading henna suppliers in the West Midlands.

SIMPLY ink’d product range include natural handmade henna cones, which use the finest quality henna powders and an absolute game-changer for those looking for a quality product. They are produced to facilitate the most intricate to boldest of designs. 

Not only does Henna continue her passion for creative projects, but she also provides popular workshops for the beginner just getting started to the more advanced specialising in portraiture for bridal work.

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